TOHOKY UNIVERSITY Intercultural Co-learning Class 国際共修クラス


Mid-Term Meeting

Hi! I’m Naoki Miwa, the new member of ICL supporter from last October.
The first half of this semester has past, and I got used to the activities as ICL supporter compared with the very beginning. At the same time, however, we believe that there are points we can improve to support students better. Therefore, we had a mid-term meeting on November 29 to know how other members are working on. In this blog, I would like to share what we have discussed.

① Activity report

In the beginning, member reported the role they are playing in the class and shared difficulties facing. Most of the work we are engaging in were roughly the same, to support the group work in the class. However, it was notable that each member had different difficulties. For example, one member was facing a problem of dropout for international students joining from own country due to the time lag. On the other hand, another member was worried that attempt to facilitate interactions among students was not working well. There was also a report about TUJP held on November 12th. We are going to improve this for the next time.

② Feedback and discussion

Next, we made feedback for the agenda which appeared at activity report. For the problem of dropout, we thought that solution for this is to work on keeping the students motivated for the class. Additionally, we discussed on questions from the members, like what role other member play at group work and how to connect between off-line students and online students.

③ New suggestion

At the last, we discussed about operating SNS to advertise our activities. However, we have some difficulties for this, mainly the way to manage that account. Thus, we will talk about this more in the next meeting.

This is how mid-term meeting went. From my personal point of view, this meeting was meaningful as an opportunity to consult members about issues each of us is facing. I would like to improve my supporting work as ICL supporter by using what I have learned here!

Thank you for reading this article until the very end. Check out other ones too, and we hope you could keep checking our blog!!


author: Naoki Miwa