TOHOKY UNIVERSITY Intercultural Co-learning Class 国際共修クラス


Explore Fascinating Miyagi Local Companies!! 宮城の地元企業の魅力を発信!

In the AY2022 2nd semester multicultural PBL class “Exploring Miyagi Local Companies through Interviews,” international students and domestic students studied together in English in an intercultural co-learning PBL class.
With the aim of showing the appeal of working in Miyagi and at the companies and organizations in Miyagi that support the local community, students visited companies and organizations, conducted interviews with managers and employees, and, based on the content of these interviews, summarized their attractive points in the articles below.
We hope you enjoy reading them!

Interviewed companies and articles


ASAHI Accounting Robot Research Institute: coming soon

BROTH UP: coming soon

I-sendai: coming soon


SEIGETSUKI: coming soon

ToYoWork Corporation: coming soon