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MORRIS Jonathan “Aspects of Japanese Literature and Culture 1”

Course information

1. Class Subject Aspects of Japanese Literature and Culture 1
2. Class Title Etc. Japan's Capitals: Tokyo and Kyoto
3. Number of Credits 2
4. Eligible Years Undergraduate
5. Instructor MORRIS Jonathan
6. Term/Day/Period First Semester (2025/4/8 - 2025/7/21)
Wed 3rd (12:40-14:10)
7. Language English
8. Class Outline, Objectives This course examines Kyoto and Tokyo and their significant roles in Japanese history and culture. It starts with their founding circumstances, followed by a survey of their economy, religion, architecture, infrastructure, and culture. Key teaching methods include using realia and maps. Students will produce map studies on areas of Tokyo or Kyoto, exploring their cultural impact through tourism, publishing, arts, etc. The course also covers local crafts, consumer goods, and the past and present food culture of Kyoto and Tokyo. With guidance, students will produce a research essay on a relevant topic that interests them.
9. Class Schedule Class 1 Orientation and introductory lecture
Class 2 The history and geography of Kyoto and Tokyo
Class 3 Tokyo neighborhoods
Class 4 Kyoto neighborhoods
Class 5 Tokyo food culture
Class 6 Kyoto food culture
Class 7 Tokyoʼs religious landscape
Class 8 Kyotoʼs religious landscape
Class 9 Infrastructure and architecture in Tokyo
Class 10 Infrastructure and architecture in Kyoto
Class 11 Kyoto in the arts and media
Class 12 Tokyo in the arts and media
Class 13 Tourism in Kyoto and Tokyo
Class 14 ALH1 Students choose one or more historical or contemporary map of Tokyo, Kyoto or part(s) thereof and make notes in preparation for writing a detailed commentary on it of 500-800 words in length. This active learning activity is on demand and may be carried out at any time, so long as the written work deadline (for ALH2) is met.
Class 15 ALH2 Students write a detailed commentary on the historical or contemporary map(s) of Tokyo, Kyoto or a part thereof which they chose for ALH1. It must be 500-800 words in length. This active learning activity is on demand and may be submitted at any time before the deadline (via Google Classroom): one week after the 13th class.
10. Evaluation/Assignments Map Report: 25% (ALH2)
Research Essay: 75%
With guidance from the instructor, students set themselves a research essay on the cultural history of Kyoto and Tokyo and receive guidance on methodology. The essay must be at least 2000 words in length. It may be submitted at any time during the course (via Google Classroom), before the deadline is one week after the 13th class.
11. Textbooks No textbooks have been set. All materials will be provided by the instructor.
12. Out of Class Study Students must complete reading assignments set in class and review all class materials each week.
13. Notes on Enrolling Please participate actively in group work and discussions.
14. Syllabus URL Aspects of Japanese Literature and Culture 1 (TBC)
15. ICL Enrollment Limit 10
16. Language Requirements Students should have sufficient listening ability to follow an introductory level university lecture, and sufficient speaking ability to participate in class discussions.
17. Frequency of Intercultural Collaborative Learning Activities 100%
18. Other (Notes for ICL Enrollees)
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