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TAKEUCHI Kamihito “Leadership using Emotional Intelligence (EQ)”

Course information

1. Lecture Subject Special Topics on Global Leadership
2. Lecture Title Leadership using Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
3. Number of Credits 2
4. Eligible Years 1-4
5. Instructor TAKEUCHI Kamihito
6. Term/Day/Period First semester (2025/4/8 - 2025/8/5)
Mon 16:20-17:50
7. Language English
8. Class Outline, Objectives Understanding EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient) and learning the ability to motivate people and drive the organization toward growth as an organizational leader, as well as learning the value of positioning one's emotions as an important career resource and using them strategically.
9. Class Schedule EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quatient) study and case study
The Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ), which has been developed since 1990 to understand and improve emotional abilities for leadership in organizations and to enhance the effectiveness of career design, is widely used in corporate employee training. The lecture will include a walk through various careers. The course is designed to deepen students' understanding of how to develop their careers in the diversified society and organizations through lectures with real people who have been in a variety of careers.

<Practical Education
This lecture is positioned as a "class course by a faculty member with practical experience" recommended by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as "a class course that provides practical education by utilizing practical experience in career design in the classroom. Through over 30 years of corporate human resource experience and practical experience as a manager of a human resource supply business in the labor market as a career consultant, a national professional qualification, the faculty member in charge of this course will provide students with an understanding of the reality of the various processes surrounding employment that occur in companies and various social organizations: recruitment, education, evaluation, treatment, retirement, career after leaving employment, and a series of other employment-related events. The program is structured as a practical education program for students to internalize through reality-based learning and exercises a series of employment-related events such as recruitment, training, evaluation, compensation, retirement, and post-employment career, which occur in companies and various social organizations.

Learning Objectives:
In order to deepen the understanding of EQ, the participants will create an episodic video explaining EQ as a group exercise.
10. Evaluation/Assignments Class contents, methods, and schedule
Online classes in principle + face-to-face classes on Saturdays
Expected Outcome: Cultivation of leadership skills through understanding and self-utilization of EQ
(1) Understanding EQ (8 elements of EQ): (Lecture + GW)
(ii) Ideal EQ model (self-analysis)
3) Creation of EQ video (group exercise assignment)

Method and schedule of progress
Basically, online and monthly intensive lectures, with a maximum of 16 sessions per half year.
(1) Every Monday, 5th period
First half of the year = April, May, June 4 courses✕ 3 weeks = 12 courses
Second half of the year = October, November, December 4 courses✕ 3 weeks = 12 courses
(2) Intensive lecture (3rd or 4th Saturday) 4th and 5th periods
First half of the year = April, May, June 2 consecutive courses✕ 3 sessions = 6 courses
Second half of the year = October, November, December 2 consecutive courses✕ 3 sessions = 6 courses

Grading Method:
Evaluation will focus on the level of understanding of lecture content and the originality and clarity of the development of the student's own personal theory. Comprehensive evaluation of attendance (class participation), comprehension tests, quizzes, reports, and attendance
1. Ordinary score : 60% (attendance rate, class participation)
2. Exercise assignment: 20%.
3. Report: 20%.

<Rating Rank
S...... special favor (90-100%)
A......... Yu (80-89%)
B......... good (70-79%)
C......... available (60-69%)
D......... not available (0-59%)
11. Textbooks All materials to be utilized in the lecture will be distributed during the lecture
12. Out of Class Study Comprehension feedback
Deepen understanding by providing feedback on comprehension during lecture time through mid-term and final comprehension checks and comprehensive reviews.

Preparation Review:
You will need to review after class regarding related knowledge and theory. (You will need to allow 1 to 3 hours of review time for each lecture.
13. Notes on Enrolling There are no particular restrictions, but there is a face-to-face intensive lecture once a month. (We will also consider making it possible to take the course online)
14. Syllabus URL Leadership using Emotional Intelligence (EQ) (TBC)
15. ICL Enrollment Limit None
16. Language Requirements No Japanese language ability is required. You will need basic English language ability to communicate
17. Frequency of Intercultural Collaborative Learning Activities It will be 100
All lectures will be covered. This is a programme in which international students and Japanese students from multiple universities will engage in collaborative learning
18. Other (Notes for ICL Enrollees) There are no particular restrictions, but there is a face-to-face intensive lecture once a month. (We will also consider making it possible to take the course online.)
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