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NAKANO Ryoko “Intercultural Communication and Performance”

Course information

1. Lecture Subject Multicultural Communication
2. Lecture Title Intercultural Communication and Performance
3. Number of Credits 2
4. Eligible Years Undergraduate
5. Instructor NAKANO Ryoko
6. Term/Day/Period First Semester/ Tuesday/ 4th Period (14:40~16:10)
7. Language of Instruction English
8. Class Outline, Objectives In this class students will develop an understanding of intercultural communication studies and through group work, group discussion and workshops recognize the complications and difficulties that arise in communication. Theatrical workshops by Rengyo sensei(professional writer, director, actor) and other guest speakers, and tasks of creating performances and discussions with classmates will be given in the class, and you will gain real experiences in intercultural communication, considering ways to resolve problems. During the 1st semester students will focus on problems in intercultural relationships that can be compared with our own personal networks. At the end of the class this will be demonstrated in performances. In the process of creating a performance students will think comprehensively about skills for communication.
9. Class Schedule Every class consists of some of theater game/activity (icebreaker), lecture, group work, discussion, and workshop, which is required to connect with the performance presentation.
This course will be conducted in person for Tohoku students.

Week 1 Orientation
Week 2 Culture Shock
Week 3 Communication Design WS
Week 4 Theater Play and Communication
Week 5 Philosophical Dialogue
Week 6 Intercultural Relationships
Week 7 Prejudice and Intergroup Contact Theory
Week 8 Interweaving Cultures in Performance
Week 9 Mindfulness WS
Week 10 Explanation of Final Performance,and Grouping
Week 11 Scenario Revitalization from Case Study
Week 12 Creating Performances from Scenario
Week 13 Reharsal for the Recital
Week 14 Costume Rehearsal
Week 15 Performance Day, Reflection on Performances and Conclusion
10. Evaluation/Assignments 1. Participation and Reflection Paper 50%
2. Performance Presentation 30%
3. Final Essay 20%
11. Textbooks Intercultural Communication in Contexts, 5th Ed.
Martin, Judith. & Nakayama, Thomas.
(ew York: McGraw-Hill. 2010)
コミュニケーション力を引き出す -演劇ワークショップのすすめ
(PHP新書 2009)
(日本文教出版 2016)
12. Out of Class Study Students are expected to do the things listed below (ca. 4 hours/week):
・Reading through the reference material (ca. 1 hour/week);
・Being conscious of your daily communication;
・Writing reflection cards (ca. 1 hour/week);
・Writing about problems/observations from daily communication (ca. 1 hour/week);
・Writing about problems/observations from communication at workshops and the
process of creating a performance work (ca. 1 hour/week);
・Practice and rehearsal for a final performance; and
・Writing the Final Essay.
13. Notes on Enrolling ・Students are not required to have experience in performance.
・In addition to students who are interested in intercultural communication and performance, Japanese students who wish to study in English are also welcome.
・Handouts will be supplied on Google Classroom.

・In order that students learn intercultural communication not only in lectures but also from real intercultural experiences, tasks to communicate with international students and Japanese students will be given as often as possible. At the performance day you will observe various kinds of cultural exchange.
・Students who have no experience in performance and are not confident in public performance are also welcome.
・Class contents and schedule may change depending on the number and/or interest of students.
・One purpose of this course is not only for students to communicate with classmates (international students and Japanese students), but also for them to communicate with professional artists. 3 artists such as a director/writer/actor, a contemporary dancer, and a model will come to class as guest speakers (Subject to change based on guest schedule and availability).
They will give you new perspectives for your future life.
14. Syllabus URL Intercultural Communication and Performance
15. ICL Enrollment Limit 5
16. Language Requirements N/A
17. Frequency of Intercultural Collaborative Learning Activities 80%
18. Other (Notes for ICL Enrollees) Please note that group work and workshop content may differ between in-person and online participants.
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