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TAKEUCHI Kamihito “Business Global Leadership and Career design on Japanese Company”

Course information

1. Lecture Subject Global Career

2. Lecture Title Business Global Leadership and Career design on Japanese Company
3. Number of Credits 2
4. Eligible Years all
5. Instructor TAKEUCHI Kamihito
6. Term/Day/Period Second Semester/ Monday/ First Period (8:50-10:20)
7. Language English
8. Class Outline, Objectives This Program will teach international students how to work in Japanese companies through the experience of the Human Resources General Manager.
Japanese students are also welcome. Students can understand the mechanism of hiring Japanese companies.

This is a practical career design and internship preparation program for international students before starting a career or internship at the selected companies that operate in Japan.
This program will be designed with careful study and analysis of the working environment focused on the company in Japan.
Working in concert with the actual internship program (Career education practice for international students) the goal of this program is not only to master international students' practical working skills but also to create a mutual understanding between the students and companies.
9. Class Schedule - Learning through program

1) To understand organizational management and decision-making processes in Japanese companies and organizations, as well as acquire appropriate response skills.
2) To design and to clarify your life-long career plan according to your career objectives using the concept of “Business I” with the career elements of future career vision, own life-long career plan balanced with individual financial aspects, core competencies, required skills, and knowledge for your career objectives.)
3) Deepen understanding of the interview process in Japanese companies through practical experience.
4) To learn the ability to build a better relationship with the organization.
5) To learn several business management tools for decision analysis, situation analysis, SWOT analysis, making group consensus, etc.

Content and Course Schedule

Program 1: (Lesson: 1-4)
"Understanding of Human Resources and Organizational Culture of Japanese Companies"
- Understanding Japanese employment practices

Program 2: (Course: 5-7)
"Understanding of Evaluation Mechanism of Japanese Companies"
- Hiring · Promotion · Mechanism of organization management

Program 3: (Course: 8-11)
"Creating career design and interview/work skills"
- Simulated training for a standard job interview
Program 4: (Course: 12-15)
Creating a career design plan
"How to sell yourself to an organization"
- Understanding and acquiring necessary conditions to be a trusted and expected person.
10. Evaluation/Assignments 1. Active participation and contribution to the class discussion: 25%
2. Comprehension level test of lesson content: 25%
3. Quality level of simulated interview and small test: 25%
4. Attendance rate: 25%
11. Textbooks All textbooks and references delivered on each lesson
12. Out of Class Study Preparation and Review
Preparing presentation materials
13. Notes on Enrolling
14. Syllabus URL Business Global Leadership and Career Design on Japanese Company
15. ICL Enrollment Limit None
16. Language Requirements English
17. Frequency of Intercultural Collaborative Learning Activities No plan
18. Other (Notes for ICL Enrollees) None
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